
Hi and welcome to Real Food Authority. If you’re looking for sound nutrition, health and wellness information in a no pressure atmosphere, you’ve come to the right place! I’m here to sell you on eating Real Whole Food. These foods you can find at your LOCAL grocery store (Or Amazon – 2 day shipping means local to everyone, right?) and stock your kitchen with. Healthy living also involves life management SKILLS that cannot be undermined. This site will provide information on time and sleep management, food prep, goal setting, fitness as well as healthy eating.

There is no cookie cutter diet that works for everyone, but we all make choices throughout our day – some good, some bad. Your best bet is to BE EDUCATED on how to make that choice a healthy one and how to recover when you may not make the best decision. Here you will find tips on how to get the healthy life you crave.

I received my undergraduate degree in Nutrition from Penn State University (We are… PENN STATE!) and my Masters in Clinical and Sports Nutrition from Florida State University. While at FSU, I completed my Dietetic Internship which made me eligible to take (and pass) the Registered Dietitian (RD) exam. Having spent 21+ years on the East Coast, I ventured out to Palo Alto, California where I spent 2 years working as a Nutrition Research Assistant at the Stanford Prevention Research Center at Stanford University. As part of the Youth Program Department, all of the studies were related to kids with a goal to try to prevent Obesity and Diabetes in 8-12 year old girls.

After a few years dealing with mind-numbing traffic and mind-blowing rent, I decided to expand my EXPERIENCES to include counseling and was hired as a RD/Health Educator at an Outpatient Health Education Center in Central Valley, CA. For 6 years, I taught classes on Disease Management (Diabetes, Carb Counting, Heart Disease, Obesity in adults and kids) as well as counseled patients in a one-on-one atmosphere regarding these and other health conditions (food allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, gestational diabetes, and vitamin/mineral deficiency). During this period, I also worked as an Instructor teaching Nutrition classes at a Junior College in California.

Over the years, I’ve had articles published in My Family Doctor magazine, Today’s Diet and Nutrition Magazine, Women’s Adventure magazine, Diabetic Living magazine, and Today’s Dietitian. I am also the former blog owner of A Dietitian’s View, which I wrote for 7 years.

Looking for another change, my family (husband and two daughters) and I packed up and moved to the ‘Biggest Little City in the World’ – Reno, Nevada where we reside today.

Nutrition and fitness are a huge part of my life as I enjoy encouraging and educating others to make healthy choices. Let’s get started!